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Intouch Psychology Services offers the following comprehensive intervention services:​


Behaviour Management Plans

Intouch Psychology Services provide comprehensive tailored behaviour management plans to support Foster Carers and Agency staff to manage challenging behaviour in children who have experienced issues such as trauma, grief and loss and abuse.  We provide ongoing support and monitoring of the behaviour management plan, by offering regular meetings with carers and staff to review the progress of the plan, and offer guidance and advice on an ongoing basis. Our behaviour management plans are based on positive behaviour support principles, attachment theory and developmental theories and are informed by relevant developmental assessments.

Parenting Capacity Enhancement and Support

Intouch Psychology Services provides support to parents who may be the subject of a Parenting Capacity Order, Parent Responsibility Contract or Parenting Treatment Order. We aim to promote a parents capacity to parent by offering a trauma informed intervention, drawing on evidence based frameworks such as ARC, Reparative Parenting and PCIT. Our intervention services are carried out in the home, which increases client participation and improves outcomes for children, by supporting parenting capacity development within the environment where it is most applicable. We work closely with Child Protection workers and offer psychological advice and consultancy on cases through regular reporting, and can attend case conferencing such as Practice First when required.


Intouch Psychology Services offers consultation services to agency staff on psychological issues to support case management. We can provide advice on issues such as contact with birth families, behavioural problems, parenting, supporting carers to help children through grief and loss, understanding trauma, and supporting placement transitions. Intouch Psychology Services can offer case by case consultations, providing a summary consultation report to assist in case management and review. We are experienced psychologists who have worked in the Child Protection  and Out of Home Care field for over 13 years and can bring both evidence based and experiential expertise to cases involving children in out of home care. Our consultative services are focused on best practice principals and are focused on the needs of the child. We can provide consultation services within the Practice First Framework.

Intouch Psychology Services offers group consultation services to agencies, providing expertise in trauma, attachment and parenting and behaviour management. We are able to attend group case reviews to discuss a range of cases, and provide advice from a unique psychological perspective. Intouch Psychology Services is able to draw on over 13 years of experience in the child protection and out of home care fields to assist in case management of complex cases, utilising a strengths based approach, which aims to improve relationships with agency staff and carers as well as improve overall outcomes for children in care. Intouch Psychology Services offers ongoing consultative support on complex cases.

Intouch Psychology Services provides thorough summary reports following all consultation services. These reports serve as a record of discussion concerning complex cases and offer staff a written plan to assist with ongoing case management. Intouch Psychology Services can provide ongoing case consultation on more complex cases, and may offer further services such as psychological assessments, including placement assessments, parenting capacity assessments, family relationship assessments and assessments of children’s behaviour or development.

Family Group Conferencing

Intouch Psychology Services are accredited Family Group Conferencing Facilitators and are able to provide FGC to Government and non-government agencies, to support Caseworkers to develop a case plan when a child or young person is believed to be in need of care and protection.

Family Group Conferencing provides an opportunity for families to be involved in decisions about their child, and builds on the strengths and resources within the child or young person's family group, cultural community and wider community.

The Family Group Conference is organised by our experienced team, who prepare and facilitates the meeting.

The Family Group Conference brings together the child or young person (where appropriate), the family, those who best know the child and their family, and other relevant persons and agencies, such as a Recognised Entity for an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander child or young person.

Family Group Conferencing
Behaviour Management Plans
Parenting Capacity Enhancement and Support
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